I didn't forget about Valentine's Day!

With all the craziness of announcing our news Valentines Day lost a LITTLE bit of importance to me this year. It was more important than any other day in my life but not necessarily because of the holiday... I honestly would not have been too upset if Nu'u did nothing BUT, I cannot believe how much effort my husband put in to LITERALLY his first Valentines day ever. Member he's from Tonga? Yeah they don't celebrate most of "American" holidays. He heard about Valentines for the first time on his mission! So even then he didn't really know how it works cause obviously on his mission he wasn't catering to a girl! Haha so anyway, he says to me the night before "I hope you're not expecting anything bit tomorrow, you do remember it's my first Valentines?" And of course I tried to comfort him by saying I know, I'm not expecting much. What do you even do for boys? I bought him tickets to Boys2Men in Vegas this Friday but other than that I did...