Super Bowl Sunday..
Well, all week I thought that this post was gonna be super fun to write up. Boy was I wrong. I have been a Denver Bronco fan since I was 13 years old. Die hard. If you think about the last 15 years for the broncos.....they haven't been all flowers and sunshine. We've had some tough years, back to back QB changes like 5 times, in and out of good games and bad ones. We haven't made it to the Super Bowl in 15 years. Needless to say, this year was a SUPER pleasant year to be a Bronco fan! We had the chance to sit back and let Peyton ride. Breaking countless amounts of records for his career and for the franchise. It was awesome! Going in to the Super Bowl game Sunday I knew that the Seahawks were a tough team. I was sure it was going to be a good game and that the best team was gonna win. The best offense against the best defense, the question was what about the opposite sides. They would be the deal breaker. Well no one prepared for this. A safety on THE first play of the game. The Broncos to be completely scoreless until late in the 3rd quarter and the Seahawks to completely demolish the Broncos. Their defense won it hands down. And their number one defense completely shut down our number one offense!
The positives of this day:
I didn't get pictures of my husband cooking but he made a chicken casserole, potato salad, chicken legs, and deviled eggs. It was an awesome meal! Including of course our bowls of chips and dip, vegetable and fruit trays, and my yummy homemade Oreo footballs! (Whoopie pies) it was a good day aside from the game! And the broncos will be back next year!