On Friday: October 10, 2014, I became a mom to the most handsome little brown boy I had ever seen. Since I was adopted, my mom was one of my biggest supporters to the idea of breastfeeding. She never got to experience that and she wanted to make sure I did! It was VERY important to me that I breastfed as it was something I always dreamed of doing. On October 13 (day 4) we visited our pediatrician for the first time. She was my pediatrician as a child and I absolutely love her and recommend her to EVERYONE! While there, she asked me how Charlie was latching and being brand new to this experience, I figured any problems I was having at this point were just as much me as they were him, since we were both learning. At this point I was not having any pain, cracking or bleeding, and I didn't realize that Charlie was not eating well. After I answered her she responded with "I just asked because he's a little tongue tied". I had absolutely no clue what that meant, that it cou...
This is the fourth year I have chosen to forgo the idea of resolutions and instead choose a word of the year! A word that I want to define my year. A word to keep in mind that will encourage growth and understanding.. Last year my word was EMBRACE . I couldn't have chosen a better word for the year. I learned so much about the gospel, my marriage, and myself. I learned to embrace anything and everything that comes with being pregnant. The good and the bad. I learned to embrace the trials I may face in life for the purpose that I will learn something from every single one. I learned to embrace my changing body and the miraculous things it would do before, during, and after labor. I learned to embrace the pain and trial that came with breastfeeding as well as learning how having a tongue tied baby is, how to fix it, and what to do next. We bought a new home, Nu'u enrolled in school that he will start in 2 weeks, and we have both learned what it really means to be in love, wi...
Before football season even started my husband and I had 2 serious arguments about who he was gonna be a fan of. I'm a die hard Broncos fan and he's not necessarily a fan of anyone. He doesn't know football he knows rugby (which I'm okay with). He's always known that I'm a sports JUNKY and that I'm a huge broncos fan so when we talked about it in the past he talked about being a broncos fan and how I need to teach him football. Sounds good to me right? First football season together is gonna be a blast?! Till he found out why I actually was introduced to the broncos....the kid who was my first kiss (14 years old) was from Denver and his family is Broncos fans...of course. So for Christmas that year he bought me a broncos hoodie. So I started watching the games. By myself. Becoming a fan. By myself. And staying a fan even after that "relationship" was over. By myself. No problem right?! Yeah right! I wouldn't call my husband the jealous type (ha...