32 Weeks!

How far along? 32 Weeks and 3 days!
Baby is the size: SQUASH!
Maternity clothes? I had to go out and get myself a couple more things this week while my husband was out of town hunting! It made me feel better :]
Sleep: I can't sleep. More than maybe 2 hours at a time.
Best moment this week: 4 lbs and 4 oz! That is what this little man weighed in this last monday through an ultrasound. My baby center app that rang in thursday to tell me that "baby" is about 3.75 lbs and I finally got to tell my husband that he was right all those times he said "he's probably way bigger than what they say!" haha it was an exciting thing to hear and know considering our last ultrasound was 20 weeks and all we really got from that was everything was on track and looking good! 
Missing Anything? Yeah my brain? I don't know how many appointments I have been late for or completely forgot after looking at my calendar just an hour or 2 before. It is RIDICULOUS! This pregnancy brain stuff is absolutely no joke and gets quite annoying to a person who used to forget NOTHING!
Movement? YES! We got a straight shot to the ribs this week! AWESOME! (joke) As I thought for a couple days before how much higher I had started to feel him I thought about all the moms that warned me that kicking is not so fun when it gets up to reaching your ribs. Boy were they right, kind of. I realize I only get kicked in the ribs when I sit a certain way and almost cramp his feet up under them. Maybe that just means its gonna get worse but for now if I sit taller or I'm laying down I don't usually feel it. 
Food Cravings? I haven't been craving anything weird or out of the ordinary.
Feeling Sick? The shortness of breathe kind of caught me off guard this week as I was trying to sleep and all of the sudden had to take a gasp of air from feeling like I couldn't breathe for a second. Very weird. I've been a singer my whole life so breathing has not only been trained in me but I have always had very good deep breathes and never had problems breathing. 
Labor Signs: Still waiting on that! haha Haven't felt anything so far that feels anything close to contractions (at least not that I know of)
Belly Button? IN but barely! haha I'm not sure if mine will pop out or not but we'll see!
Wedding Rings on or off? Well, off for the most part but not due to swelling. Due to the reaction I've been getting under my ring that worsens when I keep it on. I can't keep it off constantly because I hate not wearing it and since I haven't swelled much I'm not feeling like I CAN'T. It's hard to go certain places and not put it on even though I probably shouldn't. I like showing that thing off! haha
Happy or Moody? Happy for the most part. Annoyed is a different story. I am annoyed at all and everything almost always. 
Looking forward to: MY BABY SHOWER! I get to celebrate with all my loved ones, close friends and family, next weekend and I couldn't be more excited! I cannot believe it is already close enough for this baby to come that we are having a shower! This pregnancy and summer has FLOWN by and I really can't believe it. I am so excited for this little man to come along side the many other emotions that come with it, anxious, nervous, scared, worried, confident, prepared (sometimes)....just a whole lot of mixed emotions constantly changing! But all in all I'm ecstatic to be a mom and experience all that comes with it!   


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