Our first Call family reunion!

Before grandma passed away she was sick for a while. During that time the family got together most often with and around her. Family celebrations were a bigger deal and everyone made sure they could be there. Since she passed, I can count on one hand how many times the whole family has gotten together. Everyone is living in different places and all of us cousin are married and starting families. It's a harder task to get everyone together in the same place. So for over a year they've had a family reunion planned for this June. They finally decided to make it over the week of grandma and grandpas anniversary and grandpa and my birthdays. So everyone kind of came and went during the week for a few days. We went up Tuesday afternoon and stayed until Thursday morning (my birthday). Since Nu'u and I's wedding date was set so last minute a two of my cousins with their kids weren't able to come down from Washington and Salt Lake. This week was their first time getting to meet him so they were excited for that! Right when we got there Nu'u fell in love, like all of us have, with miss Acacia. My cousin Aubrey who lives in Salt Lake has twins and her little girl has Down syndrome and she is the sweetest thing in the whole world! 
We got there Tuesday afternoon/night just in time for dinner. We sat outside with some beautiful weather on the porch.
Following dinner the kids set up a talent show for everyone to be a part of. After the talent show we had dessert, chocolate peanut butter fudge, the best thing my mouth has ever tasted.  We stayed in St. George at Green Valley Resort because there wasn't room in beds in the cabin. I wish I would have taken a cute picture of the cabin because it was absolutely adorable and so much fun! We ended up getting back to the hotel pretty late that night. 
Wednesday morning we woke up and headed back up to the cabin to go fishin/hiking/sit by the lake in Pine Valley. I got the privilege to go to Pine Valley as a young girl with one of my childhood friends and have LOVED it ever since. So we headed out in the morning to the cabin. Once we got there we packed sack lunches and headed the rest of the way out to Pine Valley and sat by the lake. It was beautiful and so peaceful. We spent the morning and some of the afternoon there before getting tired and wanting to go take a break. We found out on our way down that a handful of people were REALLY sick back at the cabin. So we decided to drive back to the hotel to take a nap before Dad and Tj came up that night for dessert night to celebrate my birthday! Tj ended up coming up early to drop Robert off to take care of his sister and kids and mom. Tj decided not to stay because his immune system is worse than mine while I'm pregnant. Which is pretty bad considering I don't have one while being pregnant! Anyway. Dad ended up coming up later on that night after a funeral by himself. We had a big (amazing) mexican dinner made all homemade by Parley. It was amazing. Then we had dessert night! My mommy is so cute! She bought party hats and everything!
I celebrated my 22 birthday with my family and had so much fun! The people feeling sick were still feeling under the weather with a flu type thing that they couldn't kick but the rest celebrated with me with Oreo cupcakes, chocolate and vanilla, and also Snickers cupcakes, chocolate and vanilla. They were THE best cupcakes I've ever had. They sang happy birthday with their hats on and ate cupcakes with me. I opened the gifts from my momma.. She pretty much got me a Hawaii pack! Since we were leaving Friday she got me some compression socks for the flight, a volleyball to take because that's one of our families favorite things to do in Hawaii, sunscreen, and a HUGE yoga ball for my pregnancy stretches and exercises and stuff. She's awesome! We left the cabin shortly after to head back to the hotel and relax. Thursday we woke up, had lunch at Pizza Factory and we headed home for a doctors appointment. It was an awesome trip and we had so much fun being all together with family even with the flu thing going around. I absolutely love my family and can't wait for our next family reunion. It's so fun that our family is growing and all the cousins are having babies and growing up! 


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