22 Weeks!
How far along? 22 weeks 3 days
Baby is the size: A Papaya!
Maternity clothes? Can't live without em!
Sleep: When I'm in my own comfy bed I do really well! This weekend we traveled to Oklahoma and sleeping in that bed wasn't the greatest. It doesn't help that I have a jumping belly to stay awake and watch when I want to/can! :)
Best moment this week: These kicks have not stopped!
Missing Anything? Yeah being comfortable whenever and wherever I want and never getting headaches!
Movement? Nu'u could SEE it for the first time as he was about to walk out to the gym I stopped him before he kissed me to point at my belly and just as I did that little boy kicked harder than ever and made my whole belly move! It was the best feeling!
Food Cravings? Pickles and Pizza! Which neither are very "weird" or something I wouldn't eat before but I want them ALL THE TIME! And not together....YET :/ haha
Feeling Sick? Not for the most part. I had a couple random pukes this week that I believe were caused by kidney stones.
Gender: Still a boy! And still in love with him!
Labor Signs: NOPE!
Belly Button? IN
Wedding Rings on or off? On! I did get a little swollen this week while in Oklahoma but I think it was due to the heat so we'll see how the next couple days/weeks go!
Happy or Moody? HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Getting bigger! Is that weird?! This is the first time I can look down at my not so small tummy and LOVE IT! Also getting our house together! WE have done nothing but travel since we moved in so I'm excited to be home for a few weeks and hopefully start putting this house together before we go to Hawaii!