16 Weeks
How far along? 16 weeks and 5 days!
Baby is the size: Avocado!
Maternity clothes? Yes of course! But I'm really liking them :] I was thinking for a while I wouldn't be needing to buy many shirts because I have always bought shirt a little bigger and looser but I'm starting to think it won't be long till my tops don't fit :/ if so it will be a good excuse for some baby bump hawaii shopping!
Sleep: I have slept well for the most part the last couple weeks. For the most part I'm woken up having to pee and can usually fall right back asleep, other than that sleeping has gone well! I have noticed though in the last little bit that I'm unable to be comfortable on my tummy, which obviously makes me smile a little because it's just another form of evidence to this bump! :] Have you seen me lately?! I feel HUGE! and of course I'm not even half way yet! haha
Best moment this week: We made it through the move! haha Even though I wasn't allowed to help much because I'm not supposed to lift anything heavy, I'm not supposed to use harsh cleaning chemicals, I'm not supposed to be bent over for a ton of time ( I couldn't be if I wanted to I get winded SUPER fast), I was really of no help except telling what to do and of course making food runs! :]
Missing Anything? Not noticeably...thought I've always been a very independent and self reliant person for the most part it's frustrating sometimes having my husband and other tell I can't do things and that they'll do it for me!
Movement? I almost constantly feel flutters and different movement but nothing distinct as to label a "kick" yet!
Food Cravings? Sour sour sour! And some salty. The problem with salty is that I've always liked extra salty...so that's not necessarily different!
Feeling Sick? NOPE! I feel like a million bucks and it's awesome! This is the good stage of pregnancy and I'm really trying to treat it as such and enjoy it all!
Labor Signs: Far from it!
Belly Button? IN
Wedding Rings on or off? Except for my hands being extremely dry I haven't seen any change in them as far as size, if anything they feel skinnier! Sounds good to me! haha
Happy or Moody? Happy for the most part! I have my normal mood swings but nothing worse than before I was pregnant!
Looking forward to: FINDING OUT WHAT THIS SUCKER IS! I cannot wait. We have a doctors appointment tomorrow and getting an ultrasound. We will have the doctor seal the reveal in an envelope. I will either take the envelope or have someone else take it and buy white paint bottles (so you can't see what color fills them) and have them filled with whatever color corresponds with them reveal, either pink or blue. Friday we are gathering family and a couple friends to find out with us! Nu'u and I will be taking the white bottle and having a paint fight, the revel will be by what color paint comes out of the bottles and on to each other! We cannot wait to find out and I cannot wait for our paint fight! haha I have been in love with this idea since I first saw it and I'm so excited!