Bitter sweet Christmas celebration...
This is the first year we've been without grandma for Christmas. For as long as I've been alive (as long as I can remember) we have spent Christmas Eve at Grandma Call's house.
I am the youngest cousin on my moms side of the family so when I was younger we always did a program. We read the birth of Christ in the scriptures and acted it our dressed up in character. When I got a little older we would just read the story and grandma would have me sing a song. The last couple years we've made priceless memories. As my cousins have grown older, got married and had kids the spirit and fun that has been in that house has always been amazing.
Last year as we knew it was coming to the end of her life, as she'd been sick for quite a while, Christmas Eve was filled with reminiscing...some laughter and of course tears. We all took pictures with grandma which has been a tradition for years with that family, two weeks later she would pass. None of us knew that would be the last time we'd all see each other with her. Luckily I live in town and was one of few to see here the last days and hours of her life.
So this year of course was a bit different. Since my cousins (some) have moved out of town with their kids everyone was planning to be separated this year. So 2 weeks before we had our "Christmas Eve" celebration at my parents house. The whole family that's still in town was there. Everyone except Aubrey and Noah and Lisa and Joe and their kids and Kindelli who had to work. We had a good time eating and catching up with everyone there and hearing about everyone away. The twins are doing awesome and Lisa's lids are growing way too fast! I hope we'll all get to see each other this coming summer for the family reunion! Unfortunately the only picture we took that night was just the two of us. Oh wait.....3 :)