Bishop Wheeler

My daddy is my best friend. I have been a daddy's girl since the day I was born. I don't know why but I don't remember the day I made that decision. Anyone who knows my parents know that they are some of the most priceless people in this entire world. My dad was a concert to the church at 19 and served a mission in Bogata, Columbia where his best friend also served. His best friend gave me the best five sisters I could ever ask for and my dad got me and my brother! My dad has held positions in the church for as long as I can remember in service of others. Young men's, bishoprics, high priest group leader and a high priest for the stake. This year my mom got released from her calling as the relief society president after five years where she served diligently and absolutely amazing! Just in time for Dad to get his new and most important calling so far! He got called as the new bishop of the Meadows 10th ward of the Meadows stake and I couldn't be more proud of him! H...