The Lytle FAMILY

You know you've been way to busy and invested in life when you don't even think to take your phone out and snap some pictures. 
So Karyssa, member my friend from high school that got baptized then we had a temple date with our husbands? Well she text me after that temple date and said hey, you know teylor and kristie from volleyball? (Side note: my husband and I go play volleyball with some new friends and Nu'us cousin Sione at the church on Thursdays and Fridays, but also we hadn't missed a game of my sisters since her season started) so my mind instantly went to watching my sister play, so I replied, centennial? She said no from Thursdays and Fridays? I said OHHHHHH well I know Teylor? Because for 2 months I didn't know Kristie's name was Kristie because at volleyball she is known as "coach". We'll come to find out Kristie is Karyssa's mother-in-law and Teylor is her sister-in-law! Mind blown I know. So Kristie had already told me she was bringing us an invite to the wedding next week at volleyball. So she brought one for me to go to the shower as well! So then of course leaving the shower (where Karyssa and I decided we're new best friends and had a blast) we are talking about the bachelorette party which I ended up going to also. Karyssa and I went shopping together for gifts. I hate shopping. It was the best time I ever had many laughs! Then of course leaving the bachelorette party we are talking about helping setting up the next morning for the wedding (which I offered my husband for too). So we spent all day Friday helping set up. Let me just tell you, I've never met a family to completely steal my heart quite as fast as the Lytles! They are just priceless. So since my husband worked Saturday morning I got to go to the sealing with Karyssa and Bubba. I still haven't decided if that was a good idea or not ;) Riding with family? 2 hours of pictures after? What a blast!! At least it wasn't 117° outside! So then of course leaving the sealing we are asking when to be back at the church to help with last minute stuff and the ring ceremony. I helped with the walking music for the BEAUTIFUL ceremony. THEN, finally, it was time to party! I hadn't looked at my phone all day and all night. We danced and danced and danced. Never took a picture with the stunning bride. Never took a picture of the unbelievable decor. Never took a picture with my husband. Just this, which I think is all we needed....
We have had some fun, priceless, memories already and I can't wait for a ton more! To our newest couple friends! :)


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