Kale Fitch

Let me tell you about me dear friend Kale........
My sister introduced me to an AMAZING wedding videographer over 2 1/2 years ago. She was watching some of his videos when I walked in her room and joined her. For the next 2 years I periodically got on Kale's website and followed his work. I fell totally and completely in love with the way he captured the love and affection between couples on arguably the best day of their whole lives. I decided very shortly after watching his first video that I would hire him for my wedding one day. Back in December when Nu'u and I finally got officially engaged I emailed him. Before I left to tonga I let him know it could be really soon. When buying plane tickets there I was under the impression that he would be returning from Tonga with me in a month. So we planned a wedding accordingly. February 9, 2013 the date was set. In my email I let kale know of the circumstance and that there were a lot of uncertainties still and I wasn't sure how it would all play out. Within a week of leaving toTonga we found out it would be up to 5 1/2 months for the process of the visa application. I had to email Kale and let him know the wedding was cancelled. This scared me the most because I knew when we did get a new date it would be somewhat last minute. I was REALLY nervous! So I came home from Tonga, engaged and happy but with no date for the wedding. The next 4 months you can read about in my "our story" post. So when the date finally was set Kale was the first person, after the temple, that I contacted. I let him know it was FINALLY happening! The date had been set for June 22, 2013. And just what I had feared the most, Kale was BOOKED! I then asked Kale what Saturday he wasn't booked for, he said the 29 was the only Saturday in June available. I called the temple to reschedule and called Kale back to book him! Probably the best decision of my whole life! NOW! It's finally down to the days that I'm waiting for the video to come back! We had an AMAZING experience and I loved Kale just as much as I though I would! I am so excited to see the way he captured our PERFECT DAY! If you haven't looked at or seen Kale's work go check it out! Kalefitchfilms.com and prepare for your mind to be blown! It won't be long till mine is up there! 
Probably the best text I've received in months! I cannot wait!


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