Bumps in the road are inevitable!

How many times have you heard someone talk about "the honeymoon stage"? What about "marriage is hard and takes work daily"? But are they ever talked about together? Well let me be the first to tell you that "honeymooning" does not mean "perfect life". In fact it's far from it. Don't let me confuse you, I LOVE being married more than anything in my entire life. And that's just the beauty of honeymooning. Getting through, working out, fixing, adjusting, compromising, learning and growing. If any of those words sound easy to you, you haven't experienced marriage. They're not easy and they're not suppossed to be. But that's what makes life beautiful. Realizing that all of those things are human and normal and HAVE to happen to improve a marriage. We fight quite often. The difference between "dating" fights and "married" fights is there is no option of "breaking up" there is only an option to work it out. Which makes arguments and conversations much more meaningful and easier to put in perspective. I've learned to love the fights because I know when it's over it helped me grow and improve in being a wife, future mother, and eternal companion to my sweet husband! I LOVE being married and being in the "honeymoon stage" bug I appreciate the fights that help us grow as a couple. And I'm so thankful for the knowledge and blessing of our eternal marriage and that every single day gets better, and EVERY single day I fall more and more in love with my big sexy Tongan! 

His first frosty!


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