How far along? 30 Weeks exactly!
Baby is the size: Head of cabbage or as long as a cucumber!
Maternity clothes? Can't live without em. Now I'm even getting to a point where some of maternity clothes are too tight. BLEH!
Sleep: Still sleeping okay. Waking up every few hours to adjust and/or pee.
Best moment this week: Getting the last bits of baby shower planning done! Andddd, getting our house painted and situated!
Missing Anything? Not waddling? haha My husband likes to remind me every time he's walking behind me that I am waddling. It's awesome.
Movement? Constantly! There are few minutes in a day that I don't feel him moving around
Food Cravings? Not really. Just food. In general. haha It's been super hot in vegas and been messing with my appetite because I am so hot and uncomfortable that most times I do not feel like eating..
Feeling Sick? Not at all. Hot? Totally different story...Being pregnant in the summer in vegas is kind of unreal..
Labor Signs: Not yet! It definitely won't be long though!
Belly Button? IN!! Not for long :/
Wedding Rings on or off? On for the most part. I haven't been swollen at all but I've had to keep my ring off sometimes due to an allergic type reaction I've been having.
Happy or Moody? Happy! (emotional is a different world)
Looking forward to: One of my best friends weddings! My best friend Brandon is getting married in Seattle this coming wednesday and I get to be in the party! I am so excited! AND to be able to go to the temple there and mark another temple off of our list around the world! :]