Breastfeeding Survival!

DISCLAIMER : I am NOT a certified lactation consultant, and the extent of my “education” hasn’t {yet} left the walls of my own home! Please do not take anything I say as medical advice. I urge you to find an IBCLC in your area to have the most personalized attention in addressing any breastfeeding issues you may have! Here you are, brand new babe in tow, and just breezing right through this new world called breastfeeding......right? I'm guessing you rolled your eyes, just like I would have if I read that on day 4-10 with my first baby. I became a mom in October of 2014 to the sweetest little baby boy. Charlie was born with a severe tongue tie that I knew nothing about. All babies have some degree of a tongue tie, the question is whether it will cause any problems in breastfeeding, or speech much longer down the road. When you have a baby who suffers the results of a tongue tie when it comes to breastfeeding, it is both extremely painful for mom, and frustrating for baby. C...