This is the fourth year I have chosen to forgo the idea of resolutions and instead choose a word of the year! A word that I want to define my year. A word to keep in mind that will encourage growth and understanding.. Last year my word was EMBRACE . I couldn't have chosen a better word for the year. I learned so much about the gospel, my marriage, and myself. I learned to embrace anything and everything that comes with being pregnant. The good and the bad. I learned to embrace the trials I may face in life for the purpose that I will learn something from every single one. I learned to embrace my changing body and the miraculous things it would do before, during, and after labor. I learned to embrace the pain and trial that came with breastfeeding as well as learning how having a tongue tied baby is, how to fix it, and what to do next. We bought a new home, Nu'u enrolled in school that he will start in 2 weeks, and we have both learned what it really means to be in love, wi...