The baby boy's GRAND entrance!

WARNING: There is absolutely NOTHING glamorous about birthing a baby, no matter what the story. So if you are not okay with somewhat graphic terms/explanations I suggest you not read! Nonetheless, this story, like many more, is miraculous and beautiful and something I will treasure forever and ever. 40 weeks came and went faster than I could have imagined. Looking back it was the longest day of my life. But now it seems like forever ago. Yes I spent 26 hours laboring on my DUE DATE! At least most of it. I did not for a minute, of my entire pregnancy, expect this boy to come a minute early or even on time...and I guess after all he was still technically late! Backup: Ever since getting to a point in my life of thinking about having children I decided I wanted to have a very natural labor and delivery. I have a very high pain tolerance and have dealt with "high pain" situations well throughout my life. I also have a very firm belief that everything happens for a rea...